Options for Companies take into account relevant difference as: dimension, organization, know how, goals business model and more.
Med58 identifies tailored solutions for companies
For Healthcare facilities
Med58 offers white label, customizable, clinical target oriented and scientific services, allowing communication between Centers, doctors and patients.
For Pharmaceutical companies
Med58, being able to monitor the effectiveness of a medicine in preventing a disease onset, its progression and its complications, evaluates the indications, limits and possible associations.
For Insurances and Business Welfare
With Med58, companies can create tailored insurance policies and improve prevention paths supporting performance choices.
For Healthcare centers
Replycare offers a large range of services completely white label and customizable. In addition, the Healthcare facility using the Follow-up, is able to complement new clinical records to those already existing.
For Pharmaceutical companies
Replycare offers the possibility of monitoring a medicine effectiveness on the prevention of the disease onset, from its advancements to its complications considering indications, side effects and possible correlations. All data are provided thanks to a sample statistically relevant for the research.
For insurance companies
With Replycare, insurance companies can provide preliminary forms digitally, build new custom-made insurance offers, provide incident evaluations and support on performance choices.